November Pet News Brief


Pet News for the week, November 6, 2016

Pet News Brief


More pets getting high as pot gets legalized in more States — Veterinarians see a sharp increase of pets accidentally getting high

Americans spending more on health care for their pets — An aspect of life that we share with our pets are the rising of healt-care costs!

National Bureau of Economic Research on American Pet Health being inefficient — Documentation of similarities between human and pet health care costs

Grocery bill tracks unlicensed pets — In Seattle, a mailing company sends direct mailers based on a grocery-club card to track pet owners who might not be licensing their pets.

A writer from writes an Op-Ed about Pets not being children and to stop calling them that —  while we don’t have to agree with everyones opinions, its important to listen to all opinions

Diabetes in Pets — written by Dr. Elisabeth Giedt, DVM  for Veterinary Viewpoint