1. Registration
    • All information you provide must be true.
    • You are not allowed to have more than one (1) account
    • If we find your information to be false and if you have created more than 1 account, you will be banned from Dogma
    • All persons with a past history of animal abuse are not allowed to create/maintain/edit/own an account on Dogma
    • You are not allowed to post photos of pets that are not yours
    • All usernames must correspond to yourself. We reserve the right to reclaim a username should it belong to a trademarked company.
    • Please do not allow other users to use your account
    • Don’t invite users who you know have a background of abuse towards pets/animals and humans
  2. Privacy
    • The information we collect is to ensure that you can become a productive member of our community, ie. location so that requests you see on the public wall are within a 6 mile radius
    • Everything you post on Dogma is yours, please ensure its yours and do not post anyone else’s private information and private photos.
    • If we collect additional information it is to ensure that what you see on your public wall is relevant information
  3. Safety for Users
    • For your own safety, please make sure you exercise caution when using Dogma’s services, just like using most online services, you have to use your common sense and listen to your instincts.
    • DO NOT do the following:
      • Don’t collect other user’s information
      • Don’t upload viruses on Dogma
      • Don’t post content that has anything to do with: hate, threats, pornography
      • Don’t use Dogma for anything that is against the law
      • Do not violate, abuse or take advantage of anyone, ever
  4. Changes to the system
    • We are a growing community. And sometimes we will make changes that we feel will improve our community. Continuing to use Dogma constitutes your acceptance of our changing terms and conditions.
    • We will try our best to provide notice to all changes but we can’t promise that they will all be timely
  5. Dispute Resolutions
    • All disputes and cause of action is governed by the State of Virginia, specifically the District of Fauquier in Northern Virginia.
    • Anything you do on our website, Dogma is your action. If anyone brings a claim to us for your actions on Dogma, you will indemnify and hold Dogma harmless from all damages, losses and expenses of any kind relating to the claim (including legal fees). In as much as we provide rules for due diligence and safety, we cannot control all users actions on the website.
    • Dogma is not responsible for the actions of its Users, online or offline
    • Dogma is not responsible for offensive language, unlawful and questionable content and information that Users provide on Dogma
  6. User Risks
    • Your use of Dogma is at your own risk. We provide our service as is without any express or implied warranties.
    • In as much as we want to make the website completely safe, we cannot guarantee that it will always be safe, secure or error free.
    • If the website doesn’t work or function properly you release us and all our employees, Directors, Officers from any claims and damages, known and unknown.
    • We are not liable for loss of profit to you
    • If any terms of this agreement is found to be unenforceable, the remaining sections will remain in full force and effect
    • Please do not transfer any of your rights and obligations to anyone else without approval and their consent
    • All our rights and obligations are freely assignable by us in connection with a merger, acquisition or sale of assets or by operation of law or otherwise
    • You must comply with all applicable laws when using Dogma